So far, I've heard rumors of a new iPhone with 3G, GPS, a second camera on the screen side for video conferencing, and most importantly a white or black back instead of chrome

That one has been all over the place, but I'm 100% confident everything visual we've seen about it has been faked.
Apple will be releasing some other product, possibly an internet tablet kind of device
They released this last year. It's called an iPod Touch.

it's pretty much a certainty that a new phone revision will be released, what with the depleted stock in AT&T and Apple stores, which is really the only solid information we have going into the conference.
I think the most solid information was when Steve Jobs told the world that a 3G iPhone would be released this year. Straight from the horse's mouth trumps all the speculation. No amount of speculation and container ship spying can tell you when the announcement will come though. Today just happens to be the best opportunity given the imminent launch of the App Store. Not to mention extolling the benefits of a firmware 2.0 release and new hardware capabilities to the biggest crowd of Apple developers in one location. There aren't any other scheduled events where Jobs will be up for a keynote this year either.
Instead of any other hardware announcements, I'd rather hear that the new iPhone falls outside the exclusivity contracts Apple has previously announced and that it comes unlocked when you buy it. Kind of shitty to have a quad-band phone that you can't just toss another SIM into when you're traveling.