<br/>2008-Jun-11 17:25:8 - asdfgh
<br/>1,Icatcher,89.123456,-98.123455,  (Fanatic),,,,,,,,,,,,,Redline Red <br/><br/>

<br/>2008-Jun-12 16:0:4 - Scot Sandoval
<br/>1,Scot Sandoval,,,  (Fanatic),Carolina Chaney,,Freeman Oliver,CA,10757,Teri Benjamin,(256)129-1191,(968)415-7368,(658)496-1986,,,,<br/>crystallization afrikander gryllotalpa counterlathing bronzy undertone meissa splanchnodiastasis
<a href= >RF Solutions</a> 


The code above is the output of a perl script that processes the form.

The first is typical of proper usage of the form to log info.

The second embeds an html link.

This goes nowhere until I review the info and approve it for posting on a google map. Well not quite nowhere, the info is echoed back to the submitter by the perl script that reformats the input.

They see a clickable link but the page they are looking at only exists in their cache.

What use is this to someone?

Edited by gbeer (13/06/2008 01:58)