Hi everyone,

I've been using POP3 since the dawn of time and never saw a reason to change it because I did all my email reading from one machine, or through a web client if I was traveling. Once in a while I'd leave town and leave the client running and not be able to get my emails, but besides that rare and minor annoyance it worked, so I didn't fix it.

Well, the iPhone changes all that now. I got one of the spiffy new ones and now I want to have my email with me all the time. I also want my emails to go to my Eudora mailboxes I've used for around 15 years. I think that means the end of POP3.

My other little quirk is that I don't like to delete emails. I have a permanent corpus of emails and I like to be able to go back and search them from time to time. That seems incompatible with the IMAP philosophy of keeping the email on the server. I don't need that on the iPhone, of course -- I'd like to be able to delete emails off the iPhone and still have them hit the Eudora mailboxes.

What's my best alternative to configure my two email clients (iPhone and Eudora) to make it all work the way I want it? Since I don't delete emails, how can I make IMAP work for me?

I'm running a couple of home servers (Debian Sarge and OpenBSD) so those could enter into the mix if it results in an elegant solution.

Thanks in advance. These are probably stupid/obvious questions... I just never paid much attention to email because it's "just worked" for me.
