At work, I recently had to discard a $9,000 Cisco router because it had reached End Of Life. I agree with the organization that EOL network hardware is a security risk because it's no longer being updated. But I'm upset that such an expensive and well functioning device must be simply taken from me because of its age.

How do you all feel about infrastructure routers and switches being treated as consumable supplies? $9k and it's gone in 6 years. $1500 a year for the privilege of routing or switching. Then you're hit with another huge $9k bill to repurchase the same thing you already had (with a few new features).

Maybe there's network hardware leasing. I wonder if it would cost the same amount. At least it wouldn't be a $9k hit all at once.

Stupid relentless march of "progress".
110gig MKIIa (30+80), Eutronix lights, 32 meg stacked RAM, Filener orange gel lens, Greenlights Lit Buttons green set