[I wish that, before it automatically joins a wifi network, it could spawn off another background thread that makes sure it has an actual path to the internet and can retrieve something other than a hotspot logon page.
Yes, this is a very much needed feature. Already starting to annoy me. I have also noticed I have had to completely turn the thing off and on again for it to pick up an internet connection, it doesn't seem to retry very well, it just sits there waiting.
And why no copy and paste? Seems pretty basic to me.
I have downloaded a few games from the App Store now, and the free VNC really is impressive. I am amazed by some of the graphics it's something I really didn't expect. The game control is very very good, it picks up on the slightest movement and there really is no need for physical keys.
How the hell do they fir everything into it??? If I sit it next to my Karma (which is still very much in use!) it really is amazing what is now possible.
Another thing I like is the push email, I think this will be the killer app for me. The only reason I don't like my blackberry to be honest is because it gives me more work to do. The iPhone and .me are just what I have been looking for, I think I may even pay the £59 when my trial runs out! Shock! Horror!
In fact you can help me try it out email me at crismatthews @ me.com (take out the spaces!).
Thinking about it I haven't even tried it with music yet
