Originally Posted By: tfabris

Originally Posted By: jmwking
Her former office manager/secretary/bookkeeper/best friend got a very nice new metal shed on her farm, and a nice set of filing cabinets (under some well secured tarps against leaks).

Tell them to make sure that metal shed is bolted strongly to the ground or concrete pad on which it rests.

A similar shed existed in the yard of a hilltop house I once owned. It was mounted on a very nicely-poured concrete slab. One year, there was a significant windstorm (not gale or hurricane, mind you, just a lot of wind) and the shed ended up at the bottom of the hill, while its contents stayed neatly stacked on the concrete slab.

Those metal sheds seem really sturdy and heavy when you're setting them up. The fact that they weigh a ton means nothing to the wind, when their shape and surface area turn them into what is essentially a kite without a string...

Interesting point. I'll have to ask. Though knowing her and her husband, it's solid.

