Arrrrgh, printers are such a racket. Many times it costs as much to replace the required toner or ink as it does to buy a new printer.
The replacement for the Xerox Phaser 6110 is the 6130 and it's $500 at Costco in Canada right now. Toner costs $95 for each of the 3 required colors, plus $92 for black. You'll get up to 1900 pages for the colours at 5% coverage and 2500 with the black. So that means if you're printing mainly colour text you can expect up to around 2000 pages for $377 in consumables. Every printer model they make uses a completely different toner cartridge assembly.
The printer claims it can handle a cycle of 40000 pages per month. I'm sure Xerox would love you at those volumes. That would cost over $7000 per month in consumables. More like $100k if you were printing full-page pictures though.

My parents need a new printer to replace the POS Epson I bought for them a few years ago. It must not be an Epson and it must not be an Ink Jet. Those are all designed to fail within 2 years. They're the equivalent of a Bic pen in purpose, though not as well built nor as long-lived.
They really want the ability to copy as well, but that's about the extent of the multi-functional requirements. I really want to set them up with Black and White only. There's absolutely no way to financially justify the expense of a colour printer of any make/model for the home. It's much cheaper and less hassle to have images professionally printed.
I'd like to find something with an easy to get toner cartridge that won't cost an arm and a leg and that has decent (high-ish) yield. The printer should hold at least 200 sheets of paper in an enclosed (but easy to reload) paper tray.
Any recommendations?