I too knew this had been discussed many many times - but I had no idea it had never been pursued <blush>.

I hold out little (but some) hope since I think there are two problems:
* legal - and Boelle is doing something about this
* practical - the source code is simply not available

If anyone had a copy of the source then I think it would have leaked out by now - and I think someone would have gone chasing Freescale for permission to cover ourselves.

However - could any of those who *may* know of the last location of the source see if there is *anything* that could be released given permission?
That way Boelle has a clearer request:
"Dear Mr Freescale, if we find a copy of the code for this 10 year old obsolete car stereo, can we submit it to you in order that you can license it under the GPL."

Otherwise we're asking for rights to something that may not exist and possibly asking Freescale to actually go searching for the code. The less we ask for the better our chances.

Bo, I (personally) think it may be better to be more discrete - saying
"We have not made any plans to relaese another piece of hardware, but would Freescale mind if we did that in the future?"
sounds like it would raise alarm bells. Keep focused on the software.
LittleBlueThing Running twin 30's