I got my Squeezebox Boom today and its quite nice. I've got older Squeezebox units anyway so I've already got Squeezecenter running. Plugged it into my wired network and it did the usual Squeezebox detection steps. It needed to upgrade the firmware which took a couple minutes.
The actual unit oddly comes bagged in a cloth drawstring sack. I'd understand if it had the ability to be battery powered but not when it is a mains powered unit.
There are two annoying aspects however. First one is that the screen isn't particularly wide. The clock display is truncated when its a 2 digit hour and half the PM is off the side. The second one is that the casing is made from a glossy black plastic which is a dust and fingerprint magnet.
Apart from that I'm pretty happy with the unit. Pondering getting another since its a nice discount...