still on eBay, selling 4-channel versions of the hardware now. It seems that most folks are picking those up for around US$400 or so, which is an okay deal if a real scope is out of the question due to price ($1400 and up) or size (bulky old-style tube scopes).
I like this little beast, and it lives on the workbench and is used from time to time for simple stuff. It's not as buggy as it was originally (firmware got updated slightly last summer), but it's a toy when compared with a "real" / expensive version.
EDIT: For example, it was just fine for debugging the empeg I2C timing last fall (mostly used my logic analyzer there, though) -- no issues at all with that. Ditto for when I was last poking at the temperature sensor circuitry.I don't regret the purchase at all -- definitely do need a scope here, and anything else (w/200Mhz) was/is simply too much money for here and the little use it does see. So perfect for the weekend hobbyist, but not for a day job.
