I recently bought a new computer that I intend to use as a file server. But, since it's a new computer, it has a processor that's way overpowered to simply function as a file server. So I need to figure out how to dual-purpose it.

My initial thought about the file server in general was to use OpenFiler or FreeNAS (or something similar). However, I've come to discover that they're all based on stripped-down operating systems, and if I want to do something else with them, I'll need a full OS. So I see a few potential solutions.
  • Install OpenFiler and backfill the OS. It's rPath based, so it shouldn't be too difficult, I don't think.
  • Install a "real" Linux OS and run OpenFiler underneath VMware Server.
  • Install Xen or VMware ESXi and run OpenFiler and a real Linux OS in parallel.
  • Screw OpenFiler and just manage fileserver services as one normally would underneath Linux.
  • Find a fileserver complex that works as a component of a "real" OS rather than its own OS.
Does anyone have any experience with any of those options? Or have any other suggestions?
Bitt Faulk