Originally Posted By: tonyc
How good are the government subsidies? I know they just took effect in the past couple of months with the stimulus package, but I wasn't sure how much they really brought down the cost.
I can't guarantee it's the same everywhere, but for us, it brought the cost down where it was equivalent (and possibly even slightly cheaper) than what was being deducted from my monthly paycheck for health insurance. I think the government is paying about 65%, but I can't remember for sure.

Really, COBRA subsidy isn't the answer -- universal healthcare (not tied to employment) is. I wish Congress would just accept that fact and do what needs to be done.

Preaching to the choir, my friend. I know universal health care systems have their problems too, but having now lived with both (Canada and US), I have to say I prefer the problems in Canada's universal health care system, to the ones in the current US system.