Part of the problem is the color temperature. GE Reveal bulbs are 2850K. (Normal incandescents may be as low as 2200K.) To get light like your Reveal bulbs, there are CFLs available in "bright white" (typically 3000-3500K) rather than "soft white" (trying to emulate traditional incandescents).

I also bought a bunch of 5000K CFL bulbs, put them in, and my wife hated them, saying that our house felt like the inside of a hospital at night. I've since replaced them with ~2900K halogen bulbs. This makes my wife much happier and does kinda help you wind down a bit at night.

The trick is to install Flux on your computer, which adjusts the color temperature of your screen, after dark, to match your lights. Makes quite a difference, but don't forget to disable it if/when you're retouching photos. Otherwise, you'll end up with spacey colors...