Originally Posted By: Dignan

I'm wary of doing that. I'm not sure which ones you're talking about specifically, but the only alternative build I've heard of is putting the Hero ROM on the G1. From what I've heard, the Hero barely has enough power to run HTC's Sense UI (or UE, as they call it), and that it's dog-slow on the G1. I think it's gorgeous, but I quickly decided against it. Plus, I don't think everything is supported yet, like bluetooth.

The JesusFreak seems to be very popular. I would start by reading this on the xda-developers forums. I also found info about overclocking the G1 CPU on the forums. I'm going to try running mine at the second from highest speed.

Originally Posted By: Dignan

Really? I'm not a fan of any of the ones I've seen. None of them seem to have any beefier hardware than the G1. The only positive is that there are a couple models that are super cheap to manufacture, resulting in $200 retail prices, meaning that if they get picked up by a carrier here, there's a possibility that they'll be free under a 2-year contract. That would be a fairly big coup for Android in general.

You don't like the Motorola or the Sony Ericsson Xperia x3
I would also love a tablet or netbook running the same os as my phone.