Originally Posted By: canuckInOR
Originally Posted By: jimhogan
Originally Posted By: altman
Remember that the stuff you buy in meters works best with european-sized packets. If you're going to be dealing with a lot of US packets, then you should buy the cable in feet.

Yeah, you can buy converters that stretch and squash packets appropriately, but that ends up leaving sharp edges that will wear down the insulation over time.


This won't be a problem. I talked with the nice lady in Denver and she assured me that her Cat5e supports tunneling. If you run everything through a tunnel it reduces fragmentation and keeps any sharp bits away from the insulation.

So we borrowed a ladder the other evening and our problem is solved. We are all set.

Wait... you borrowed a ladder, after being told you needed to do tunelling? Boy, were you ever snookered. You needed a shovel.

No, no no. You are not getting this. She said the "tunnel" is *inside* the cable so it doesn't matter where you put the cable. Cool, eh? Well, OK, she said we needed to be careful about how much we went up and down (the "Maximum Tunnel Undulation"?) but that's about it.

Problem solved.

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.