Originally Posted By: drakino
The processor in the Droid is basically the same one in the 3GS and Palm Pre. Remember, MHz != performance. Your G1 has an ARM11, while the 3Gs, Pre and Droid have a Cortex family ARM (one generation newer).

Gah! You're right. I hadn't seen what kind of processor was in it. I think it was a reasonable assumption, given that practically every Android device on the market these days has the same processor. When I saw the same speed I assumed. Ah well.

If it's as snappy as the 3GS, and well designed, then I guess I'd consider it. In the meantime, I'm hoping that Cyanogen (developer of the most popular G1 replacement ROM) will release some 2.0 updates.

Originally Posted By: DWallach
My two-year AT&T contract doesn't end until next summer, and I'm still reasonably happy with my iPhone and with AT&T. (In Houston, 3G works much better than what I've heard about San Francisco.) I'll reevaluate the situation then and decide whether I want to stay or go. Who knows, by then there will probably be Android GSM variants worth considering.

I believe "the Droid" is another name for the Motorola Sholes, which I've heard will have a GSM version...