Originally Posted By: Roger
Didn't go to Hamley's in the past, when I was a child; went there recently, and: It's quite impressive around Christmas time, when they've got the displays up, but otherwise: meh; leave it.

Right, agreed. Hamleys is a good toy-shop if what you want is a toy-shop, but I don't think it's a tourist destination in its own right. (For me the childhood toy-shop memories that bring back the warm-and-fuzzies are of Lewis's department store in Hanley, despite the forbidding and frankly scary sculpture on the outside.)

Kew's definitely worth doing, though -- even in February as there's a lot to see just in the huge glasshouses. And even outdoors one of the splendours of Kew is the conifer collection, most of which is evergreen. Though in fairness that is the advice of somewhat of a tree anorak.
