Originally Posted By: tman
From what a doctor friend told me, H1N1 isn't actually any more deadly than the flu that comes around every year. A large number of people die from flu every year and there isn't a particularly big deal made of that.

Apparently the big concern around here is that doctors say H1N1 hits young-middle aged adults harder than the young and old. No idea if that is true but one of the guys here said they lost a 26 year old member of their church last weekend from it.

No clue if H1N1 is going around here, but we have had several people come down sick. A large part of that is because we had a customer in town for an experiment so there were about 40 people all working close together and sharing computers. Even with hand sanitizers at every station, about one-third of us became sick (one of the folks' kids got sick at school, that weekend she had it, next week three more of us caught whatever it was and it exploded from there). Not sure what it was, but the fatigue fucking sucks. I haven't had a full day in the past week and a half that I didn't need to take a nap around lunch. That could be considered a perk, though.