I can't give you any specific advice for the 3D Animation world, but as a person trying to break into another creative area I may have a little bit of insight.

Just over a year ago I left a very well paid job and decided to follow my passion for Photography. It has been much much harder than I thought to break into the industry and make myself a name.

I would say to anyone looking to break into a creative industry that having a body of work behind you is the most important thing. Technical ability is nothing unless you are able to use it in a creative way, and also in the area you are looking to break into, that people are willing to pay to see.

I jumped before I really thought about it, I was offered an out of my career and I jumped before I even had chance to think what I was going to do. I found myself with time on my hands and started to set myself little projects to do. Slowly I started to build on my skills and add photographs to my portfolio. Along the way I started to understand what drives me to do this and build on my skills. I have quite a few photographer, model and makeup friends now as a result and this gives me an insight to the local industry and what is going on. It takes time and at times can be very hard to keep focussed on the goal, the goal may even change a few times.

After over a year I still only half way to making a living from this. So be prepared for a long period of steep learning curve. I wouldn't worry about accreditation or education I really don't think it's worth it, unless if you don't have the talent and you need to be brain washed to learn it!

One final thing, don't just jump as I did. I could have done the first 6 months while still in my old career, getting paid, make time and spend it wisely. Pick a small project to work on, finish it, show people, put it online, get feedback and start the process again.

