Originally Posted By: Dignan
Was it some random text elsewhere in the article? We have no way of knowing. That really bugs me.

I guess you didn't actually read the whole article because it tells you at the end. "This article was updated to include details from Schwaderer's book. Thanks to Philippe Oechslin, of OS Objectif Sécurité SA for alerting us to its contents."

Originally Posted By: Dignan
Anyway, I understand their point, and can see why there's not a lot of evidence connecting the attacks to China. But the focus of the article seems to be the language issue, which doesn't seem to be strong proof to me. Only at the end do they talk about masking the origination.

The checksum routine was pointed out as being the smoking gun by an investigator of the worm. "Security researcher Joe Stewart said the algorithm "seems to be virtually unknown outside of China," As the article points out, it isn't conclusive that just because they used that routine does it mean it was China for certain. Take that out and you're left with the fact that the attacks originated from somewhere in Taiwan which doesn't mean much.

Originally Posted By: Dignan
It seems strange that another country would be spearfishing for dissident supporters. I suppose that other country could want to weaken relations between the countries, but that seems much less likely to me.

Mmm... You've not seen the extent that countries or companies will go to to sabotage somebody else or improve their personal position even it is through dubious methods. Go read up on the Zimmerman telegram to see what the British government did and what Germany was planning.

I rent a server in some random country and start DDoSing you. Does this mean that this random government is officially attacking you?

I'm not saying that it can't be China. I'm just saying it isn't certain that it is. If it does turn out to be them then boo bad China! If it isn't them then that poses the bigger more worrying mystery of who it actually was.

Originally Posted By: Dignan
I don't know, I would love more evidence too, but I'm not a fan of how China treats its people, so I see little reason to trust them.

You don't like China so therefore don't trust them and implicitly believe anything that somebody else says about them? Nice.