One of those unusual cases where I get to agree with just about everything Bruno says

I wrote this elsewhere:
"Sounds like they might finally be getting their act together, the old Windows Mobile really looks dead and they are talking about banning skinning of the UI (how long will that last).
Talk about a flaky demo though, the perfect touch was the "I'm out of battery" icon flashing away in the corner.
I'm not sure I get the whole Zune/XBox UI thing, particularly the bit where the title at the top of the page gets cut off and all this menus where you can't see all of the items on them without scrolling.
Still, if nothing else it will give Apple a boot up the arse to get on and do something more useful with the lock screen and app launch pages.
I wish Apple would add a physical back button to the iPhone, it makes so much sense."
It will be interesting to see if this is designed purely to be a consumer device and whether they'll roll out yet another rehash of the old Windows Mobile for businesses.