Originally Posted By: andy
I'm happy enough with Ad Thwart in Chrome, I see very few ads with it. I am aware that it only gets to hide ads after they have been loaded, but in practice I don't even see the ads flash on the screen, they get hidden before I ever get to see them.

I've already had several instances of annoyances from ads loading before being removed. Many times, I'm a little too fast (or slow, depending on perspective) in trying to click on a link on a page, because I'll try to click on a link, then the ads are removed, the link moves, and I've accidentally clicked on another link. It's very annoying.

IMO, it's very important that an adblocker not load the ads at all. There's too many times where a damn ad server is slow or non-responsive, and because the page I'm looking at was poorly written, it's waiting for the ad to load to finish displaying the page. That's just not acceptable. That's half the reason I use adblock on Firefox in the first place.

Originally Posted By: Tim
At work, we are still stuck with IE6 (where I am when I visit the board most of the time). Really, we move at the speed of dinosaurs sometimes.

Ugh, I actually mentioned that possibility when I first started writing my initial post but removed it to keep it short. I can't believe a corporation wouldn't do everything they could to get off of IE6. I'm sure there's internal issues, but the security problems alone should be enough of a reason to get all your users off that awful browser.

Have you tried the portable Firefox? It works quite well, can accept most extensions I've tried, and there's even ways to get flash installed (for the longest time, my wife's company wouldn't even install flash for her). More importantly, the Portable Apps people are extremely good at keeping up with software updates. Whenever an app like Firefox gets updated, their portable version is never far behind.