Not planning on watching any broadcast shows over the summer. There's simply nothing I'm interested in.

I'm busily ripping down DVDs of shows we have and purchasing others on itunes so we are stocked for the summer. So far the plan is:

-Rewatching LOST.

-Rewatch Season 1 of Chuck and then moving on to 2 and 3 (we somehow lost track of Chuck- I don't know what because I really liked it).

-Star Trek: TNG- entire series (I already had 1-4, and my father has acquired the rest).

Will probably re-watch Firefly and possibly Dollhouse as well. That should keep us busy.

I'm undecided atm about BSG- we watched it before and somehow dropped about 2/3 through season 2. I haven't heard a strong enough opinion about the show to decide whether it's worth investing in getting the entire series (I'd probably want to start over to remember the plot line), which is probably about $150. An extremely positive review or tiring of our existing DVDs might sway me.

My wife has also recently acquired the entire series of Charmed and Sex and the City- neither of which I'll be watching (ripping down Sex and the City is kinda painful, tbh), but they should keep her entertained at least. Also may be ripping down Buffy for her as well (we have season 3+- I'd have to get 1 and 2)

It remains to be seen if these shows will really keep me interested through the summer months with material I've (mostly) already seen.

As an aside- we purchased two Apple TVs and it has made us super lazy now. We don't even have a DVD player hooked up any more because we can't be bothered to change disks.
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.