I don't remember if much more was used by v3 player software. Maybe a byte or two. Somewhere I have a map of (mostly) exactly what player data is stored where in the savearea.

But not with me here.

EDIT: Actually, I forgot: I _always_ have the full empeg stuff with me when I travel! smile

The attachment is a snapshot of the player's data structures from some point in v2 development. I don't think it has changed much since then.

And I doubt anyone would mind it being posted here now, after all of these years. smile

EDIT2: And before anyone asks.. no, I don't have a copy of, or access to, and have never seen, the player source code. I'd like to, but that's a different matter. wink


savearea.txt (582 downloads)
Description: v2beta player savearea (?)

Edited by mlord (22/07/2010 11:00)