The alphabetical sorting of playlist menus has been debated to death (thread, thread) but no resolution seems to be forthcoming. So...

The attached menusort executable can turn the sorting on/off. Here are semi-detailed instructions on how to use it:

- save the attachment as menusort somewhere on your computer
- install the developer player software (1.03 and 1.02 should work)
- connect via a serial cable to the empeg, e.g. with Hyperterminal (115200 bps / 8 data / no parity / 1 stop / no flow control)
- press q then Enter to get to a bash prompt
- type rw to enable read-write mode
- type rz to start the Zmodem file receive program
- use "Send File" from Hyperterminal to send menusort to the empeg
- type chmod a+x menusort to make menusort executable
- run ./menusort off to turn sorting off, or ./menusort on to turn it back on, or just ./menusort to find out what the current state is
- type ro to switch the disk back to read-only mode
- type exit

I've tested this on a mk2 with the 1.03 release. I'll be interested to hear whether it works on a mk1.



32844-menusort (138 downloads)