I also think the coolest thing shown was the iPod Nano. Too bad they don't have a 32GB model. And too bad the music playing software still looks like it sucks, like on all the other iPods.

This unit is more like an iPod Pico, and at the risk of cluttering up their product line and price points, they really could have released a new iPod Mini that would have been the size of the old Nano's screen, all touch, WITH a camera on the back. That would have maintained the extra display real-estate and camera of the old Nano in the new product line. This new Nano is very cool, but it really appeals to different use desires than the old one. It's like a Shuffle with a screen, I'm sure people are really going to miss the camera and larger display.
Now it is exactly the iPhone without the phone.
I can't think of anything that was added to the iPod to match the iPhone other than a camera. It's still missing an ear-level speaker and GPS.
Obviously it took the new parts of the iPhone 4 like the front camera and retina display, but I'm saying that it didn't really get anything added to this generation other than the camera, to bring it any closer to the iPhone 4 than the previous generation to the iPhone 3Gs.