Apple TV at $99 sounds nice at first, but I suspect it's about $60 too expensive if it's missing what I think it's missing...
Namely 1080p playback and the ability to play back all codec and wrapper formats.
Well, the old AppleTV couldn't play any variety of formats at all. Just one kind, pretty much. I'm very disappointed that the press is giving a pass on not having 1080p. All the podcasts I've listened to are saying it's no big deal and that 720p is good enough. I know it's good enough, but 1080p is a standard now, most of the TVs today are capable of it, and not even supporting it is a cop-out. I know it would use a lot of bandwidth, making it hard to stream, but that's no excuse to not let the hardware even support it for the future. It makes me wonder if the hardware could even support it, given how underpowered the old AppleTV was. They didn't mention what the innards were. I wonder if it's the A4 or not...
I think $4.99 for a 24 hour movie rental is way too expensive as well, but I'm sure the device will still sell relatively well. IMO, renting should get you at LEAST 48 hours, preferably 36, regardless of price.
Yeah, I think $4.99 is still a little pricey. $3.99 would be really good, $2.99 would see me preordering an AppleTV today...

I can't think of anything that was added to the iPod to match the iPhone other than a camera. It's still missing an ear-level speaker and GPS.
You're right! Oops!