I've seen this come up in a number of reviews on Amazon. Some of the plastic kettles seem to give a serious plastic taste to water, even after several boiling cycles.
My kettle is mostly plastic and I can't taste a thing.
Woah! That's an even bigger problem than I thought!

What's funny is that we actually use the electric kettles even more often to boil water for cooking.
Whats funny about that? It is more efficient to do it that way than to pour cold water into a pan first.
Well, it's not that funny in our household, I just find it amusing that these kettles seem to be designed to boil water to drink, not to heat up our water before boiling it. But like I said, that's how I use it. Sorry it wasn't amusing

My parents, when they redid their kitchen about 7 years ago, installed an "insta-hot." It was just a spigot to the side of the sink that gave filtered water at temps of either room temperature or near-boiling hot. It was pretty nice to have very hot water at any time, but sadly the device was a little more troublesome than it was worth. For starters, apparently the way the filter let you know that it needed to be changed was to completely back up and leak absolutely everywhere. This happened twice. Then after a while, the device its self decided to leak, so we had to have it replaced. Hopefully the new homeowners haven't had any challenges from it...