Originally Posted By: Dignan
Pretty easy, actually. It took my mom less than a week to get everything moved over from her ISP-provided email to using GMail instead. It then took about another week for her to change her address everywhere she had it listed and for everyone in her address book to switch to her new email address.

I'd find it significantly harder to switch over since I've been using my email address for years now and everything goes through it. There are so many sites which use your email address as the username but there isn't actully any method short of calling them up to change that.

Originally Posted By: Dignan
And sorry, I wasn't angry, just a little frustrated. I wasn't sure why you guys were so down on all this stuff. I know you use it, but you do seem to be simultaneously fearful of it. I guess I just don't let that stuff worry me too much...

You still think we're fearful of it for some bizarre reason.

Do you have your own copy of your emails/whatever thats stored out there? Or do you not care or trust that the service will keep it safe? As I previously mentioned, Microsoft screwed up badly with the Sidekick service and at one point they admitted that the missing data was most likely gone forever. If Gmail deleted your account forever and lost all your emails along with that specific address, would you mind?

I'm fine with data being stored online but I still want some modicum of control and responsibility over it. This may be me backing it up myself or just ensuring that nothing important is ever kept there. If you think that is being fearful of "the cloud" then I guess you just don't consider your data to be worth anything.

Originally Posted By: Dignan
And I still maintain that it's just a freaking term. We use all sorts of terms that aren't specific, but we do it to make communication easier. When I tell someone "the cloud," it's a starting-off point. They understand that we're talking about data being stored on servers somewhere else on the web.

That is a pretty vague definition of "the cloud". What distinguishes what you call "the cloud" with every other server on the internet? Last I checked, this website is stored on a server somewhere else on the internet. Does empegbbs.com use cloud computing?

Originally Posted By: Dignan
Yeah, but you could say that about a lot of terms. They get used as buzz terms by some people, and as regular dialog by others. I guess what I'm saying is: what's the big deal?

I did say that about other terms. Its the latest buzzword and just annoying because it gets included into things for no reason to generate good PR for their press releases.

We had some software written for the traders at the bank to use. Along with all the actual features we needed, the developers made a big thing about "updates from the cloud" which turned out to be that the app regularly checked their website for patches. Which we couldn't allow anyway because of the need for a secure network.