Originally Posted By: wfaulk
Originally Posted By: msaeger
How about consulting or independent contractor. You could design their network and get the heck out of there. Don't know if this is really viable or not since I don't work in IT.

Yeah, I'm sure it's possible, but I'm not sure about the stability or really how to go about it.

I was hoping Matt would chime in with some info about that.

This Matt? If so, I hate to say it, but I'm not really sure! The stuff I do is pretty plane-jane tech support stuff, not at all what you want to be doing. Furthermore, obtaining the work is by far the hardest part about it all. My uncle (a freelance writer) told me about working for yourself: "half of it is doing the work, half of it is getting the work." I think the "getting" side might actually be a little bigger. I've also found that marketing has gotten me nowhere. I have, however, started going to some business networking meetings, and those are looking promising. I think I'll be joining a group soon that's very focused in finding work for the other people in the group.

I'm pretty sure I know someone in your area who works for Red Hat, if that helps...