OK this is a question for anyone who knows more about DGPS than I do and about what RDS data we can access over the soon to be released tuner for the MkII...

I have acquired a GPS (DeLorme GPSTripmate) that I want to connect up to my empeg to start playing with the idea of implementing some basic navigation stuff to display on the empeg's display directly (probably using some form of the Clock kernel hack to display location, speed, distance and direction to waypoint overlaid on the normal player display)

Being new to GPS I have discovered this thing called DGPS to increase the accuracy of GPS data with updates from a DGPS server... and have found out there is such a DGPS server in my area that broadcasts using RDS...

Would it be possible to get this data through the new tuner module that supposedly can receive RDS...? Does anyone out there know if the model of GPS I have can make use of it...? can it be used in software...? does anyone know of a good piece of software to use on the empeg...? I am currently looking at gpsd as it seems to do what I want... but haven't got to the point of trying to build it for the empeg...

Any pointers would be great... :)

