Originally Posted By: tonyc
Hm, somehow I'd never even heard of Moxi. That does seem to be a more elegant solution than the Verizon DVR or the Tivo multi-room feature, but the $300 price tag on the Moxi Mate is ludicrous. If that were closer to $100, I could stomach the $600 price tag on the main unit no problem.

Yeah, that's a pretty ridiculous price. However, it doesn't have the monthly contract, so you make up that cost very quickly.

How do you like the interface, Rob?

I was just thinking about the possibility of that multi-room Tivo product. While I think that the actual technology is greatly needed from a usability standpoint, what is really necessary from Tivo is a better pricing model. Currently, there's a slight reduction in contract price for additional boxes in your home, up to something like four boxes. Really, it's not enough of a price cut.

I'm wondering how they'd price the plan for such a product. Would they require that same reduced-cost plan for each "dumb" box you added to your system? Would it just be a single price for the main Tivo box? If so, the savings cost over the Fios DVR would be huge.