Guys, I really need some assistance here. I've been at it for hours but I can't for the life of me figure this one out.

I have a client with a business, and we recently set her and her two employees up with a hosted exchange service. The two employees were easy to set up and have had no problems that I know of, but my client's setup is not working.

She has a desktop with XP and Outlook 2007. The setup process went fine, and she can work in Outlook just fine for about 10 minutes. After that, something happens with the connection between Outlook and the Exchange server and it won't come back unless you exit the application, sometimes having to end the task.


- when it's getting close to the time where it quits, the system tray icon starts flashing for split-seconds, as does the message that "all folders are up to date." I don't know what it's flashing to because it goes so quick.

- about a minute before everything comes down, I'll get a message that "Connection to Microsoft Exchange has been restored." The message that it went down either comes to fast or not at all. At this point I can usually still send and receive emails.

- then, inevitably, I'll get the message "Microsoft Office Outlook is requesting data from the server" and it will sit like that with an hourglass over the system tray icon until I close the application.

- her iPhone is set up with this Exchange server and doesn't have any of these issues.

Those, sadly, are my only symptoms. It's been a VERY annoying issue to fix because it takes so long to test if it's still happening. Here's what I've tried so far:

- disabled all Outlook add-ins
- repaired Office
- reinstalled Office
- repaired the network connection
- uninstalled and reinstalled network adapters
- replaced the router
- set up Exchange account on client's laptop and experienced the same problems
- took laptop to Starbucks, but found it difficult to test if the problem was still happening there. I might try taking it home next.
- quadruple-checked the settings received from the Exchange provider

I'm in a big bind here, folks. My client is extremely busy, and lives by her email. She could be a great client for me in the future and refer me to others, but I really need to help her out here first!