Thanks for the invite, Dan. I've invited my closest friends and family members, but I suspect very few of them will join and do anything on there.
I've spent about two minutes on there, so I'll need to give it much more of a try and see what I think. I wish I had a little more free time, but sadly I don't

Frankly, I don't see this lasting very long, but who knows, maybe it'll make some headway. The problem I see is that the social space is not like the smartphone OS space. With these social sites, it's always one at a time because there's essentially zero interoperability. There's only ever one service that's big at a time, and people only switch to a new one if everyone else they know uses it. I just think Facebook finally hit that point of mass adoption that has made it impossible to catch.
Basically I'm saying there's no second place in this race. LinkedIn is basically a different service, as you guys have discussed (and Tony, I agree with Bruno, I don't remember LinkedIn as anything buy business-focused, but I have a bad memory for some things).