Also (mostly? :)) thanks to those here who though me so much about DSLR and pointed me in the right direction, I am having major fun with my DSLR.

I've been looking at some Canon MTF charts, and I am quite puzzled in what I see, since for some reason I expected expensive lenses to have significantly better MTF charts.

These two very differently priced lenses, though, don't seem to differ much.

EF 50mm f / 1.2L USM: $ 1500 at

EF 50mm f/1.4 USM: $ 370 at

Ok, the 1.2 is .2 faster, and the build quality is L level. But, am I right in thinking that the MTF charts show a quite similar lens quality (sharpness and contrast) to the super expensive 1.2L? If I am right, is the price difference justified in your opinion?
Also, the 1.2L weights almost twice as the 1.4...
= Taym =
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