I suppose because I landed on my feet it's been easy to ascribe the bank failure to poor business choices and a bad market rather than gross negligence- but looking at the people who were effect by the failure (hundreds of downstream banks- who knows how their customers were affected), it makes me realize just how bad that whole thing was.

As an employee, I can tell you that they were throwing money around and aggressively pursuing growth, apparently without regard for the consequences. Tom and Earl addressed us often in the last year selling us lines about how the Fed was out to get us and how we were doing great, it's just that the Fed didn't understand our business as the largest correspondent bank in the country. I bought the deception hook, line, and sinker- and to be honest, they probably believed it all themselves. But the truth is, they made bad loans and continued spending money irresponsibly when the nets were closing in.

The old building was fine- though we WERE running out of room, but I'm certain they could have figured something out. I have to say, though, if that's what "posh" is I was unimpressed. It's not like fake-frosted glass on the doors to my floor helps me do my job any better.

Sad to see that the place I worked contributed to the pain of so many. Hopefully my new employer will have a much more positive impact on the world.
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.