I thought I remembered this from a finite math class in High School...

This specific example is from The Wizard of Odds: http://wizardofodds.com/askthewizard/probability.html

Five persons are in a room. What is the probability that at least 2 of them were born in the same birth month?

To keep things simple let's assume that each person has a 1/12 probability of being born in each month. The probability that all five people are born in different months is (11/12)*(10/12)*(9/12)*(8/12) = 0.381944. So the probability of a common month is 1 - 0.381944 = 0.618056.

And here's a Yahoo Answers where someone breaks it all down: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080101071810AAyM5LB

Edited by hybrid8 (29/08/2011 19:07)
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