Oh, one thing I forgot to mention is the type of detergent needed. In the manual for the Fagor it reads:
Liquid detergents may be used in this washing machine. An optional detergent dispenser is to be used for this, which can be obtained from the Technical Service Network.
People discussing the washer on other sites said that when they called to get the part, Fagor claimed it was a misprint and no such part exists. It's safe to use liquid detergent in the machine as-is. I've just been using powdered Tide that I get in a giant box from a warehouse store. It seems cheaper than liquid and works great in the machine.
I bought my machine from Amazon. They delivered it on a truck in 10 days or so from California to New York.
Update: Here's a photo of the washer/dryer in my kitchen. Where it sits now was left open by the original owners for a 220V in-wall heater. I took the heater out since I never used it, and installed the appropriate electrical outlet in its place. As if it was mean to be, the pillar holding up the counter top was exactly 24 inches from the cabinet to the left. The washer simply slid right in. The water input and drain is run under the cabinet and hooks up to the sink's drain and cold water line. I don't know if European counters are slightly lower, but the washer fit uneder my counter without having to remove the top. The gap between the top of the washer and bottom of the counter is about 1 inch.