I stick to Logitech. I've always been happy with their stuff, and any time I try another company's accessories I've been disappointed. The nice thing about Logitech is that they have a mouse or keyboard at pretty much every price level without having too many products. I think they've done a nice job balancing their product line.

This looks like what you're describing, though it's double the price you wanted smile All I can urge is that you DO NOT buy anything with bluetooth. I know there are people here who have always disagreed with me on this, but bluetooth is particularly bad for this application. I happen to dislike it in all applications, but I haven't used a single bluetooth keyboard or mouse that has worked consistently. My RF accessories, on the other hand, have worked flawlessly for years with no lost connections.

I agree with you on that side to side mouse wheel motion you mentioned. I've used it for various functions before, but gave up on it because it's not a great input method. It isn't quick enough. However, I couldn't live without my additional buttons.

I have four in total that I use constantly, every single day:

Double-click - yes, I know I could just tell Windows that icons only need one click, but I also like to be able to single click on them

Back - for obvious reasons

Ctrl-Tab - to switch between open browser tabs

Ctrl-W - to close browser tabs and explorer windows

Anyway, I understand not wanting a lot of buttons, but they can be very helpful.