How are you guys still finding crash plan?

I've just installed it as I'm looking for a decent backup solution, I'm primarily interested in backing up my source code off site.

There is something that I particularly dislike, they seem to have some sort of odd reseller system, some of the products can't be purchased in the UK (seriously, this is just data) because they have a UK reseller - although it would appear that the UK reseller uses their own storage, and of course it seems to be much worse value for money than the US offering.

Selecting backup folders is a bit nasty, no way of sorting stuff, so you have to scroll through the tree, I'd prefer a list of files/folders.

Regular expressions would be nice on a per folder basis too, would save me having to build the folder name into the regular expression.


Edited by sn00p (27/02/2012 09:00)