Originally Posted By: andy
But I do know you are wrong about the DVD case, on some DVDs the play button will indeed start playback. Or at least it did on the DVD players I've owned.

Only of the menu system. In other words, you press PLAY and the FBI warnings and other material starts up before you're dumped to the DVD menu.

I have yet to see a disc where pressing PLAY while viewing the menu actually starts playing the FEATURE. I'm sure it can be done as part of the authoring process, but the problem is that everything about DVD menus is non-standard and no two discs are ever the same, including how menu items are highlighted, both in presentation and selection order.

Some budget discs which are light on content and don't have interactive menus are actually best in this regard because you can start the feature right away.

My parents always had a very hard time with DVDs and DVD players because of all this crap.

Basically from a DVD remote, half the buttons are useless when you're inside the menu system and the other half are useless when you're playing the feature. Leads one to think they could have implemented a remote with half the buttons by intelligently re-using buttons.
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