Can anyone recommend a thumb drive with a sustained write speed of 20MB/s+ (or close to it)?
I'm really sick and tired of drives that max out around 6MB/s. They might as well not have more that a couple of gigs of free space, since writing 10GB+ is a total PITA.
Oh, Bruno, you're just spoiled.

You're probably not old enough to remember how exciting it was when quad-density floppy disks came out that let us write a
whole megabyte (and a bit more!) to a single disk, and it only took a bit over a minute to write it. And other than a tape drive, that was the ONLY removable storage option there was.
Ahhhh... the good old days.
These days, in a bit over a minute you can write onto a $4 device the size of your thumb enough data to fill a stack of floppy disks four feet tall, and you complain about it. Tsk, tsk, tsk...
Heh, heh.. I used to back my whole computer up to floppy disks, wondering what would happen when, in the far distant future, there might be hard drives as big as a whole gigabyte for big companies that could afford the many-thousand-dollar price tag such a device would command.