I am right on the cusp of going into the dreaded "DAC" [Domestic Alto Consumo] electric rate for excessive usage over the previous 12 months. To put that into perspective, if in the next week I use three kWh more than I used last year over the same time period, my bi-monthly July-August electric bill will increase from $27 to $105 USD.
This is not really an answer to your question, but I'm wondering: why don't you consider photovoltaic solar panels? Those would easily cover your electricity needs in the area you live in and give you a lot more breathing room. Heck, even if you don't want them to cover your entire electrical power needs, even one or two panels would be able to create a lot more breathing room for you and keep you far away from that dreaded limit. Of course installing PV panels would cost more than simply replacing your lamps with LED models, but in a few years I'm sure you'll start saving a lot of money with a couple of those, especially in the sunny climate you're living in.
If you already have solar panels, then I guess I have missed that from the other posts and I'll shut up then.