Tom, as usual I think it's really what fits you personally.
Completely agreed. One however does not know what fits without knowing the other options well too, hence me asking and wanting to throw out benefits I currently enjoy to compare. It's also why I'm willing to buy and try other devices too. This isn't a contest to say which is better for all time and will be crowned champion of the universe. Just my household

Sure, I didn't mean we had to, I just wanted to emphasize my point of "whatever suits you best."
The problem with either ecosystem is that they both either break down or simply don't work if you try to combine elements. You seen it yourself, Tom. You had disastrous things happen when you tried to start using Google's services. If you start in the camp that suits you and never stray, you're going to have a mostly flawless experience. But try to put too much of a toe across into the other camp and you'll lose a leg

I have extensive experience with AirPlay and I think it's a big feature that keeps many iOS users from experimenting with Android. If GoogleTV actually works well like you say, I may have to invest in one of those $99 Vizio boxes.
I can promise that it does not work as well as Airplay, and it doesn't work for as much stuff as Airplay does (it's Youtube and nothing else). However, what I do like about Google TV is not having to switch inputs. So, if we're watching TV I can send a Youtube video to the screen at any time and Youtube will automatically launch.
The only annoyance I had with it: in typical fashion, it just didn't work the way Google said it should. I had the latest version of the app on my phone and Google TV, and both devices were on my network. Because it's using DLNA, the two should have seen each other and just worked seamlessly. Instead, I had to go through the "antiquated" pairing process, and now I can do it at any time. Part of this, however, could be my slightly messed up phone (messed it up hacking some NFC stuff
