Originally Posted By: robricc
This is a pain in the ass that I imagine wouldn't happen if I was using a traditional cable box. Other than that, GTV is cool to have but I still don't think anyone really needs it. A much cheaper Roku box has more to offer at this time.

Yeah, I agree. I really like my Google TV, and I've been surprised how much nicer it is to not have to change inputs to start using it, but I wouldn't recommend it to many people. Besides, development for it has really stalled. Nobody is making an app for Google TV. As a result, I still keep my Boxee Box around for the sole purpose of using vudu. It's a little absurd to keep an entire device for one service these days, especially when the Google TV should be fully capable of playing vudu content. Sadly, it doesn't sound like they'll ever make an app for it.