As sad as I am to admit it, I'm no longer using my beloved WRT54GL in any installations. The hardware is just too old and can't cut it anymore, especially now that products like Ubiquiti's Unifi system exist, bringing managed AP's to easily affordable levels.

What the APs won't do, however, is replace the router portion of that Linksys. Because of that, I'm looking for something that will make for a great router and nothing more. I don't care if it has 1 LAN port or 20 (unmanaged switches are easy to come by), I just care that it has a good UI for administration purposes, performs well, and gives me a good number of options (QoS would be nice).

Does anyone have a suggestion for a product like this in a similarly consumer-level price? $50-150 works for me. If it has to have wireless in it (seems like it has to these days) that's fine and I can just disable it. I just want to ferret out the product that does the best job at being a reliable router.