Originally Posted By: Dignan
I'm getting a little bit of the magic that Moto X users experience with the voice commands. It makes me wish/hope that the Nexus 5 were capable of the always-listening function.

Okay, Vixy's been messing with the voice recognition, and it seems like it's very sensitive to anyone in the room saying the word Google, since that's its launch keyword. It's supposed to be "OK Google" but it seems to like to trigger on just "Google". Meaning that having a conversation about the voice recognition feature, and how it's, for example, just googling the name instead of navigating to the company address like we'd asked it to, is very interesting. It's a bit like talking about putting the toddler down for an N-A-P in the toddler's presence. :-)

It seems, the first rule about Google Phone is, don't talk about Google Phone. :-)
Tony Fabris