Hello All,

You may be familiar with this ultra-cheap (<$50) and yet extremely well reviewed small amplifier T-Amp (by Sonic Impact). It exists in two versions, both based on the Tripath TP2024 audio chip.

Sonic Impact website seems to be gone, so above you see an EN translation of an Italian website page, still the best I could find on T-Amp.

I own the first version, and it does sound great.

It looks exactly as in the picture in the above website, plastic case, plastic knob, very cheap look.I am using this in my parents house in the mountains, which is all wooden and stuff.

Do you happen to know if anyone is producing some nicer wooden case for it? I'll be happy to solder here and there if needed (nothing too complicated) in migrating from the original plastic cheapo case to the new one.

Maybe I am spoiled by Mark's empeg wooden docks, but even something simpler and not as nice would be great and way better than the original.

Yet, i can't seem to find anything on line. I do remember seeing few wooden cases on line, in the past?!
= Taym =
MK2a #040103216 * 100Gb *All/Colors* Radio * 3.0a11 * Hijack = taympeg