Auto-updating firmware is only good for however long the company decides to keep updating the firmware. I have an auto-updating router (a
Belkin AC 1750) which hasn't had a firmware update in a couple years.
Though I have to say that it's been the most reliable wifi router I've had so far. All other routers I've had before this one would require me physically rebooting them every once in a while, this one has been really stable. Possibly because
it has its own "reboot on a regular schedule" feature built-in, so I have it
reboot itself daily in the wee hours. I use the daily reboot method on the internet ‘modem’ supplied by the ISP. And also for routers that I do not trust to be be stable long term.
I install a
Leviton LT113-10W timer between wall power (or UPS) and the internet modem and/or router.
Timer is set to turn on at 4:05AM and turn off at 4:01AM each day.
There is a coin battery inside so the timer clock does not reset when there is a power outage.
The remote tethered button allows someone to cycle power off and on manually, should the need arise to force a reboot of the equipment.
Simple instructions for the home owner to ‘reboot the internet’
Press the single white button and internet equipment should go dark. Wait one minute, then press button again to power it up again. Wait for internet service to resume

Regarding availability of updates for a router, choose the router based on the ability and reputation of the company to actually provide such updates. And to get it right.