Hey all, I'm having trouble finding this one in Google and I'm confident that someone here can help me. I'm interested in the redirection syntax in a Bash script.

I'm using a variation on the first answer in this stackOverflow article, to parse multiple lines out of a piece of JSON that I got from an API: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38364261/parse-json-to-array-in-a-shell-script

It uses a syntax like this:

readarray -t variableName < <( someCommands )

My question is about this part of the script specifically:

< <( 

I'm not sure why this redirection is two chevrons separated by a space instead of a single chevron or a double one without a space. I'm having trouble finding this particular syntax explained in my google searches.

The reason I need to know is, when I run my script at an SSH prompt on my Synology, this works and gets me a correctly-populated array that I can iterate through. But when I run the same script in the Synology Task Scheduler, I get the following error:

syntax error near unexpected token `<'

So my goal here is to understand the syntax, and therefore possibly understand why it works in one situation but doesn't work in the other. I've tried changing the syntax with various combinations of other stuff and I can't get it to work at the SSH prompt any other way (at least not so far anyway).

For reference, here is the full unedited code line from my code. All of the parsing statements (the sed/grep/cut stuff) is proven to work in all cases because I do it elsewhere in the program too. The difference with this line is the redirecting to the readarray command, that's the part that doesn't work in the Synology Task Scheduler.

readarray -t videoIds < <(echo $uploadsOutput | sed 's/"videoId"/\n&/g' | grep "videoId" | cut -d '"' -f4)

So what's going wrong with that redirection which is working at the SSH prompt but failing in the Synology Task Scheduler?

Thanks for any tips and education you can offer!
Tony Fabris